Symptoms to look out for when TTC.

I firmly believe that fertility is a WHOLE BODY issue. Conventional medicine looks at infertility as a reproductive system issue but in reality, our reproductive system is plugged into an interconnected web of hormones, glands, organs and body systems that are affected by one another and work like an orchestra. When one instrument is out of tune, it has a ripple effect on the whole piece of music.

There are so many symptoms that your GP or fertility doctor isn't asking about and that they don't join the dots with that can give us powerful clues as to whether our body is feeling balanced and safe enough to conceive.

I like to think of it as a report card or little red flags that can give us clues as to how effectively our body is working and what might be getting in the way of falling or staying pregnant.

Here are some of the common red flags that I see regularly in clinic and work with my clients to balance.

1. A short luteal phase or 'luteal phase deficiency.'

The luteal phase is the second half of our cycle post ovulation. In clinic, I'm looking out for anything shorter than 10 days which may mean there is an issue with progesterone and there isn't enough time for a fertilised egg to implant before the lining starts to shed. This may mean you have difficulty getting or staying pregnant. This is common in clinic and can be shifted through diet, lifestyle, supplements and herbal support and also prescribed progesterone in some cases.

2. Constipation

Not having a number two every day? This will have an impact
on your absorption, detoxification and hormone balance and can hint at an imbalanced microbiome or slow metabolism which may need some investigation.

3. Recurrent BV and thrush

Infections and imbalances in the vaginal microbiome have been extensively
researched and linked to infertility and miscarriage. If you struggle with
regular bouts of thrush or BV and have been struggling with fertility issues - this could be an important part of the puzzle for you.

4. Cold hands & feet

Do you have cold hands and feet and struggle to get warm? This could indicate a slowed metabolism or issue with your thyroid. Constipation, difficulty losing weight and hair loss can also point to a sluggish metabolism.

5. Low libido

This one can be a bit more complex as TTC can be a passion killer! But if you find that you’re never in the mood, this could point to an underlying hormonal imbalance that needs to be addressed.

If you’re struggling with infertility and want some support to join the dots and get a plan of action to get your hormones flowing and your body firing on all cylinders and in the best place possible to get that BFP book a call and let’s chat!


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