Hello you…
If you’ve landed on this page you’re searching for answers to your fertility struggles.
You’re in exactly the right place.
I know what it’s like to navigate the uncertainty many women face on their fertility journey and that it can be so fraught with anxiety. I’m here to take some of that anxiety off your plate, give you a break from the constant googling and give you a plan that works for you, shows you where to focus and gets you to where you want to be quicker - without adding more stress to your life.
Start • Your • Journey • Here •
Does this sound familiar?
You’re on the fertility rollercoaster of - one week feeling “okay with this” and the next dropping into total anxiety and overwhelm
You spend more time than you care to admit googling symptoms and scouring the internet for fertility hacks. You’ve read all the blogs, books and forums but you still don’t have answers or know what the issues are with your fertility and it’s leaving you feeling frustrated and lost
You’re hard on yourself and beating yourself up for things not working the way you want
You feel like you’ve got a ‘scatter gun’ approach to trying tips and advice, throwing all the supplements and fertility teas at the issue, but nothing is sticking
Your fertility issues are affecting not just your relationship but your social life, and job
You’re avoiding social situations - you don’t want to see other people who might spring a pregnancy announcement on you
You find it hard to trust or hope that getting pregnant will happen for you, you’re scared to believe that maybe something will finally make a difference
And I get it, this stuff is hard. Sitting with the unknown and uncertainty that comes with infertility and trying for a baby is one of the hardest things you can do. But how would it feel to step off the rollercoaster and try a different way forward?
What if…
You could feel calmer and more confident you’re doing the right things to give you the best chance of conceiving…
Get some answers as to what might be getting in the way of becoming a parent
You could take control of the things you can do to improve your fertility and let go of the things you can’t
Understand the fundamentals of great nutrition so you eat well for fertility and beyond
Be more resilient when it comes to the rollercoaster of TTC, and with life in general
Feel in a clearer headspace, fully equipped to make the next decisions on your fertility journey
Have more ease, joy and fun in your life
Be sleeping better and have more energy
Feel better in your body, more vibrant and balanced
Feel more hopeful that conceiving or having a healthy pregnancy can be possible for you
And now it’s your turn…
Hi I’m Emily, A registered clinical nutritionist. I’ve helped countless women just like you achieve their dreams of becoming parents.
You’re a high achiever and used to succeeding in other areas of your life but feel defeated that the hard work you are putting into trying to get pregnant isn’t paying off. It’s not your fault, you aren’t broken.. you just need some support. Someone who can help you join the dots so you can fast-track your fertility and escape that anxiety spiral.
One of the most challenging parts of trying to conceive is facing uncertainty and a lack of control. But you do have control over the fertile environment you create on all levels, and I’m going to show you how.
Let’s look at your options…
Fertile Roots 121 Programme
From Roots to Shoots Group Programme
Fertile Foods starter course
A 12 week journey to support you to get to the bottom of fertility issues, transform your health and give you the best chance possible
A six week group programme that will take you from confused and overwhelmed to prepared and supported
A mini course to learn what you need to know about fertility nutrition and four weeks of meal plans to get you started
Work with me…
Results from past clients
We are now expecting a baby in July 2022! With Emily’s guidance, I was able to take back control of my body and approach fertility in a completely holistic way.
The programme has been super successful for us: we are now expecting a baby in September 2021.
I was ecstatic that the changes seemed to be working. Little did I know the best was yet to come as the next month we had our first BFP.